City of San Dimas Plan to Combat Homelessness

In 2018, the City of San Dimas completed a Plan to Combat and Prevent Homelessness, which was approved by the County of Los Angeles. The strategies in the City’s plan align with the County’s Measure H funded strategies and create an assessment of the demographics and characteristics of individuals experiencing homelessness in the City to direct them to services that best meet their needs.  The plan helps the City coordinate local and regional resources and benefits available for the homeless population. 

This Plan included five (5) Goals with supporting Actions: 

  1. Better Understand the Needs of San Dimas’ Homeless Population
  2. Ensure all people experiencing homelessness in San Dimas are entered into the Regional Coordinated Entry System (CES)
  3. Expand and Improve Immediate Housing Solutions 
  4. Expand Opportunities for Employment and Workforce Development 
  5. Explore Options for Preservation of Existing Affordable Housing 

The City partnered with the cities of Glendora and La Verne to address similar homelessness issues.  Through this program, the City has contracted with Union Station Homeless Services to bring two Homeless Liaisons to the Community to help San Dimas coordinate services and outreach. The program includes the two Homeless Liaisons, a motel voucher program, and a Rapid Rehousing Program that outreaches to potential landlords to house the City’s homeless individuals that require time-limited housing assistance and case management.   

The Community Homeless Liaisons are doing outreach every Thursday in San Dimas. The Outreach efforts include visiting areas identified by Sheriff personnel on where most of the homeless are located. The Homeless Liaisons investigate any referrals that are submitted and are submitting applications, providing services, and doing follow-up with the individuals that are enrolled in City’s Homeless Program.  

Definition of Homelessness 

People experiencing homelessness fall into three categories: low-acuity, mid-acuity, or high-acuity.  Low acuity is people that should be able to find housing on their own, mid-acuity typically requires limited housing assistance, and some case management and high acuity are those that generally need supportive housing and more in-depth, ongoing supportive services, including case management, psychiatric care, and medical treatment.  

Based on the most recent Homeless Count Statistical information, which was collected in 2018, the City of San Dimas had ten individuals experiencing homelessness. Eight out of those ten were interviewed. 27% were identified as low-acuity, 65% mid-acuity, and 8% high acuity.  

As of May 8, 2020: 

  • The City has four individuals experiencing homelessness in shelter housing programs. 
  • The City has submitted applications for seven individuals experiencing homelessness to be enrolled in shelter housing programs. 
  • The City is working with four individuals experiencing homelessness to be enrolled in the Rapid Rehousing Program.  
  • The City is working with two families who are being referred to the Family Services Center. 

To get more information on the efforts the City is making to support homeless individuals, please view the San Dimas Plan to Prevent and Combat Homelessness.